Title: Editorial: OEP, a Family Reunion You Want to Attend!
Author: Naomi Aguilera, OD
Title: Degenerative Myopia: A Case Series Report
Author: Michael P. Doyle, Optom
Title: Vision Therapy In The Modern Behavioural Optometry Practice: The History of Vision Therapy and Contemporary Approaches to Case Selection, Case Management, and the Delivery of Treatment
Author: Jeffrey H. Getzell, OD
Title: Neurological Transitions
Author: Sarah Hinkley, OD Abigail Faith Veldkamp, OD Kristen O'Beirne Naszradi, OD
Title: Association of Accommodative Amplitude and Lag with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Author: Rebecca Marinoff, OD
Title: Using Vision Therapy to Maximize Visual Efficiency for Low Vision Patients with Central Scotoma